Nigel's Foundation Purposes / ObjectiveSAFE WATER: all of what we chat about
AID DELIVERY & LOGISTICS: Wheelchairs FINDING & CONNECTING: Finding & connecting Aid items or services ... eg finding wheelchairs in Perth and connecting them to Endri. RESEARCHING & INNOVATING: eg can EDUCATIONAL DOCUMENTATION - DESIGNING - ADAPTING & SUPPLYING both posters, street HYGIENE INFORMATION: FOOD SECURITY PROJECTS: Eg Researching & Lobbying for fish protection, water pollution ........................ What we do : 1) Dying Children .. this is above everything our first purpose is - no child should die in PAIN or Starving (we supply food or small money for pain medicine doctor) 2) Children - poor people needing life changing surgeries .. this is where we CONNECT here is where we do the paper work 3) Helping DISABLED ... This is where YOU could work Eg We CONNECT Wheelchairs to Endri. We CONNECT Clothed to Endri We Could Connect "Chinese Prosthetic knees' to Endri and others (a person shopping on Alibaba (eg Komodo) We Could Connect 'Hearing Aids' From China 4) RESEARCHING AND FINDING CHILDREN We have field studies but in no time they come to us with Facebook ;) 5) Helping Support the blind orphanage, there is a bit here and we have a small team of westerners who do small things here 6) SPARKING CHANGE : We are sparking Govt & cultural change 6) Education visits with our sponsors and networking team members: this is important and this build trust .. no more 'clothing poverty toursim visits but we do have locals from bali who 'get in a bit' 7) Field research for govt .. basic stuff eg put lists on a webpage eg 8) FACEBOOK - This is important .. keeping our Network stimulated and involved people want to help .. How can they help if it is illegal and we Endri doesn't want them beside Endri (volunteers is just babysitting or flustering & upsetting the systems) (So we involve them with 'bringing wheelchairs - clothes etc ) The wheelchair project is half about wheelchairs and half about 'Group Glue'