1. Below are some of our most urgent who await support.
The below list are the families in a desperate situations and need to urgently be matched with $1 per day food sponsor assistance packages. Also Endri is working rapidly on getting these children connected to local hospitals, specialist or even other charities, Rotary & doctors who maybe able to organise medical operations & medicines.
The below list are the families in a desperate situations and need to urgently be matched with $1 per day food sponsor assistance packages. Also Endri is working rapidly on getting these children connected to local hospitals, specialist or even other charities, Rotary & doctors who maybe able to organise medical operations & medicines.
ABOVE: Habibi's mum cry's, all my friends won't help and don't want to know me anymore. Sasha is desperate and waiting for us to connect her with a specialist - she is hungry and smiles when receiving a gift - she is in a very desperate situation & cannot walk. Audi's mum borrowed clothes when she heard there was a possibility of help - they are hungry & very poor. Eight year old Ryan's father soldiers on to look after his son - they are poor and struggle.
ABOVE: Diki has been in pain for 4yrs & needs a operation to a poisoned leg. Suli's is hungry & hides from the world. Beautiful Hunsul is a intelligent village favourite who is blind but may only need a $440 operation. Mansur is handicapped and hungry
ABOVE: Muhruf has a horrible flesh eating disease that eats large holes in his body making him to weak to walk - he dreams to go to school. Syfia is a very smart active girl that at 4 yrs sings beautiful, her mum has been deserted by her husband & slaves to provide food. Asmari's parents are distraught for the condition of their daughter.
ABOVE: Siti is often hungry & works hard alone in her garden to get food. Fitri is also hungry and handicapped waiting by the road for her parents to come home from work. An Rizka's wife has left him - he struggles alone with his weak & sick daughter.
2. Below includes our other urgent families:
The below list are the families in a desperate situations and need to urgently be matched with $1 per day food sponsor assistance packages. Also Endri is working rapidly on getting these children connected to local hospitals, specialist or even other charities, Rotary & doctors who maybe able to organise medical operations & medicines.
The below list are the families in a desperate situations and need to urgently be matched with $1 per day food sponsor assistance packages. Also Endri is working rapidly on getting these children connected to local hospitals, specialist or even other charities, Rotary & doctors who maybe able to organise medical operations & medicines.
Endri's List:
9. √ Pirah Needs Legs
10.√ Ani needs surgery
11. Blind Gawi
12. √‘Handy’
13.√ Blind Orphan ‘Arya’
14. √ Blind Orphan ‘‘Sri’
15. √ Blind Orphan ‘Salma’
16. √ Blind Orphan ‘xxx’
17. √ Blind Orphan ‘Salma’
18. Urgent- Rian: Age 8
19. Urgent- Audi needs surgery
20. Istiharah
21. Urgent- Diki Hungry & in Pain
22. Nafisa Age 3 - Dwarfism
23. Urgent- Firton 10 yrs
24. Urgent- Nurdiana
25. Afdal -
26. Yaman needs a leg
27 Nadi? needs a cosmetic eye
28. Urgent- Mirnawati
29. Urgent- Mursyidin
30. Deni 5 years
31. Hafiz 4 Yrs old
32. Sara? Needs cataract surgery
33. Enny needs a leg
34 Wahyuni needs an arm
35. Rizki,
36. Urgent- *Syifa is 4 years old
37. Ariyandi 7 years old
38. Urgent- Sasha (Norhayati)
39. Urgent- Mahruf needs specialist
40. Urgent- Dani North Lombok
41. Rini North Lombok
42. Dedi North Lombok
43. Urgent- Rizka North Lombok
44. Mukti North Lombok
45. Urgent- Habibi North Lombok
46. Regi North Lombok
47. Urgent *Sulis North Lombok
48. Riski North Lombok
49. Urgent- Jeni North Lombok
50. Urgent- Mansur North Lombok
51. Urgent- Asmarani
52. Anggi North Lombok
53. Sugiar North Lombok
54. Urgent- Fitri North Lombok
55. Urgent- Virginia North Lombok
56. Urgent- Husnul North Lombok
57. Urgent- Pita North Lombok
58. Urgent- Suprayah North Lombok
59. Urgent- Ingerta North Lombok
60. Urgent- Siti North Lombok
61. Rizki North Lombok
62. Ayat North Lombok
63. Syams West Lombok -Deaf
9. √ Pirah Needs Legs
10.√ Ani needs surgery
11. Blind Gawi
12. √‘Handy’
13.√ Blind Orphan ‘Arya’
14. √ Blind Orphan ‘‘Sri’
15. √ Blind Orphan ‘Salma’
16. √ Blind Orphan ‘xxx’
17. √ Blind Orphan ‘Salma’
18. Urgent- Rian: Age 8
19. Urgent- Audi needs surgery
20. Istiharah
21. Urgent- Diki Hungry & in Pain
22. Nafisa Age 3 - Dwarfism
23. Urgent- Firton 10 yrs
24. Urgent- Nurdiana
25. Afdal -
26. Yaman needs a leg
27 Nadi? needs a cosmetic eye
28. Urgent- Mirnawati
29. Urgent- Mursyidin
30. Deni 5 years
31. Hafiz 4 Yrs old
32. Sara? Needs cataract surgery
33. Enny needs a leg
34 Wahyuni needs an arm
35. Rizki,
36. Urgent- *Syifa is 4 years old
37. Ariyandi 7 years old
38. Urgent- Sasha (Norhayati)
39. Urgent- Mahruf needs specialist
40. Urgent- Dani North Lombok
41. Rini North Lombok
42. Dedi North Lombok
43. Urgent- Rizka North Lombok
44. Mukti North Lombok
45. Urgent- Habibi North Lombok
46. Regi North Lombok
47. Urgent *Sulis North Lombok
48. Riski North Lombok
49. Urgent- Jeni North Lombok
50. Urgent- Mansur North Lombok
51. Urgent- Asmarani
52. Anggi North Lombok
53. Sugiar North Lombok
54. Urgent- Fitri North Lombok
55. Urgent- Virginia North Lombok
56. Urgent- Husnul North Lombok
57. Urgent- Pita North Lombok
58. Urgent- Suprayah North Lombok
59. Urgent- Ingerta North Lombok
60. Urgent- Siti North Lombok
61. Rizki North Lombok
62. Ayat North Lombok
63. Syams West Lombok -Deaf