The situation is bad
IT IS TIME TO GROW - WHY IS FUNDING ENDRI'S $1 PER DAY Research & Reporting and Food Aid Program so important ... and an urgent PRIORITY?
Firstly Great Work Endri lets get you more support!
The FLC sick children are hungry, malnourished and many without hope, lack of nourishing food reduces their strength & is compounding their problems. Their solo mother or care givers are run ragged surviving, growing food - working for small small money, looking after their homes and sick child.
Our mission is: No Lombok Child Should Die Hungry or in Pain.
While we can get emotionally caught up and focus on funding one child, this is not good enough. There are at least 2,000 LFC children out there hungry & in Pain. We need to swing the Government hospital doors wide open fast - and it will take Indonesians to do this in which one of my back ground priorities has been contacting & communicating with people who can do this and who are well connected. Indonesia & Lombok is not Africa - they have Laws and funds to help these people and Lombok is growing up and a few people simply need a nudge, sensibly & in the right places.
The only way to help is INDONESIA MUST HELP INDONESIA - Lombok People must help Lombok sick. Central government Authorities want want us to get a team to locate and report & medically documented as many forgotten children so they can act.
We need to fund Endri to form a research team on a 3 month project getting Names, Location, Photos, Medical Issues, Parents, how long sick, has the person ever seen a doctor etc in the Lombok Sumbawa region.
AT A VERY LOW $200 per month per researcher we can do this, but we need a experienced Nurse / Coordinator to work with Endri to organise & compile the data. This info will be then sent to some high up officials who are waiting for this.
It started with Tina in with her brain Tumour painfully pushing her eye out and then it has just gone from one to the other, every week there is a Snake bitten Arif and we have got very good at using small money to connect A to B eg A Our Job is to connect & coordinate the sick child to the right help. Remember we are not doctors and nor do we have a pool of phalanthrotropic millions of dollars money.
Also I will not waste money where the government should pay for its own people. Lombok is rich and full of rich. Many of the people in our group are solo parents and people not so financially flush. We will not waste our donors hard earned money and we don't need a lot to do big things - we already have Jakarta hospitals offering to do surgeries for FREE we simply need more Endri's to get more frontline organised to help get children on the plane etc!
We can keep posting up a single child photos & projects but we are often foolishly drain all the funding that is needed to get the big solutions going. We presently only have '4 dollar per day research, food, aid sponsors. And Endri has a sponsor & only gets $50 per week which just covers expenses.
Giving in a Non Welfare Styled Manner: Protecting Dignity
WE MUST GROW ENDRI'S TEAM - WE NEED TO GET A FIELD TEAM ORGANISED: so they can get out there, locate and document, then we can give the information to the big boys who can politically throw the Hospitals doors & doctors open to these children.
1. FUNDING: We will need about $5,000 and also 50 X $1 per day sponsors for food toiletries - light medicines as they go (= $17,600)
This should pay for 3 Indonesians to do the reporting which Endri can organise.
A COORDINATOR TO HELP ENDRI We will need a in the field experienced coordinator or coordinators to help Endri (To work under Endri & not tell him what to do either :) ) The person needs to be Indonesian savey and understanding - there could be two.
3. ACOMODATION: I have a new motor bike a coordinator can use but we need to get some simple free accommodation around Gili T- Singigi - Mataram a place close to Endri.
4. ARE THERE PEOPLE - NURSES OUT THERE WHO MAY WANT TO JOIN : Yes there are - many have contacted me already but we need the above in place.
5. Lombok in the field research people. These Endri can find - they are just trust worthy motivated people going village to village filling out a form. They must speake all the local languages, be trustworthy, organise, self motivated & not lazy. Not easy to find.
6. HOW CAN MEMBERS HELP: Lets get more members - more members - more resources.
7. WHEN DO WE START? With a coordination team we can do small stuff & big stuff. We start Now!
I will have a donation page set up later today :) :)
This is stage 2 a very exciting part of our FLC project.
Thank you all so much
Kind Regards Peter Honey
IT IS TIME TO GROW - WHY IS FUNDING ENDRI'S $1 PER DAY Research & Reporting and Food Aid Program so important ... and an urgent PRIORITY?
Firstly Great Work Endri lets get you more support!
The FLC sick children are hungry, malnourished and many without hope, lack of nourishing food reduces their strength & is compounding their problems. Their solo mother or care givers are run ragged surviving, growing food - working for small small money, looking after their homes and sick child.
Our mission is: No Lombok Child Should Die Hungry or in Pain.
While we can get emotionally caught up and focus on funding one child, this is not good enough. There are at least 2,000 LFC children out there hungry & in Pain. We need to swing the Government hospital doors wide open fast - and it will take Indonesians to do this in which one of my back ground priorities has been contacting & communicating with people who can do this and who are well connected. Indonesia & Lombok is not Africa - they have Laws and funds to help these people and Lombok is growing up and a few people simply need a nudge, sensibly & in the right places.
The only way to help is INDONESIA MUST HELP INDONESIA - Lombok People must help Lombok sick. Central government Authorities want want us to get a team to locate and report & medically documented as many forgotten children so they can act.
We need to fund Endri to form a research team on a 3 month project getting Names, Location, Photos, Medical Issues, Parents, how long sick, has the person ever seen a doctor etc in the Lombok Sumbawa region.
AT A VERY LOW $200 per month per researcher we can do this, but we need a experienced Nurse / Coordinator to work with Endri to organise & compile the data. This info will be then sent to some high up officials who are waiting for this.
It started with Tina in with her brain Tumour painfully pushing her eye out and then it has just gone from one to the other, every week there is a Snake bitten Arif and we have got very good at using small money to connect A to B eg A Our Job is to connect & coordinate the sick child to the right help. Remember we are not doctors and nor do we have a pool of phalanthrotropic millions of dollars money.
Also I will not waste money where the government should pay for its own people. Lombok is rich and full of rich. Many of the people in our group are solo parents and people not so financially flush. We will not waste our donors hard earned money and we don't need a lot to do big things - we already have Jakarta hospitals offering to do surgeries for FREE we simply need more Endri's to get more frontline organised to help get children on the plane etc!
We can keep posting up a single child photos & projects but we are often foolishly drain all the funding that is needed to get the big solutions going. We presently only have '4 dollar per day research, food, aid sponsors. And Endri has a sponsor & only gets $50 per week which just covers expenses.
Giving in a Non Welfare Styled Manner: Protecting Dignity
WE MUST GROW ENDRI'S TEAM - WE NEED TO GET A FIELD TEAM ORGANISED: so they can get out there, locate and document, then we can give the information to the big boys who can politically throw the Hospitals doors & doctors open to these children.
1. FUNDING: We will need about $5,000 and also 50 X $1 per day sponsors for food toiletries - light medicines as they go (= $17,600)
This should pay for 3 Indonesians to do the reporting which Endri can organise.
A COORDINATOR TO HELP ENDRI We will need a in the field experienced coordinator or coordinators to help Endri (To work under Endri & not tell him what to do either :) ) The person needs to be Indonesian savey and understanding - there could be two.
3. ACOMODATION: I have a new motor bike a coordinator can use but we need to get some simple free accommodation around Gili T- Singigi - Mataram a place close to Endri.
4. ARE THERE PEOPLE - NURSES OUT THERE WHO MAY WANT TO JOIN : Yes there are - many have contacted me already but we need the above in place.
5. Lombok in the field research people. These Endri can find - they are just trust worthy motivated people going village to village filling out a form. They must speake all the local languages, be trustworthy, organise, self motivated & not lazy. Not easy to find.
6. HOW CAN MEMBERS HELP: Lets get more members - more members - more resources.
7. WHEN DO WE START? With a coordination team we can do small stuff & big stuff. We start Now!
I will have a donation page set up later today :) :)
This is stage 2 a very exciting part of our FLC project.
Thank you all so much
Kind Regards Peter Honey
Thank you very much for joining Forgotten Lombok Children Humanitarian mission, and also for the good energy and that is empowering this volunteer project. What started off as a few children quickly shot up to just under one hundred, and I feel there are easily 2,000 children who have not seen doctors & in desperate need of medical. At only 4 months old we are at the pioneering stage of a project in helping local man Endri help his own people. A expert explained to me that we are presently 'a mission' and not yet an organisation, so at this stage it is simply Endi & I running a small boat with the goal to grow it into a foundation or maybe even have a more resourceful foundation take over. It is all very early days - a lot of frustrations yet an amazing amount is getting done.
We are all working for free (although Endri does get a payment of $50 per week for expenses) the only real fuel is the positive energy from so many, so again thank you for your support it is very empowering for both myself & my friend Endri and is keeping this whole start up project moving foward. :)
Please keep in touch with me on face book, kind regards Peter Honey
We are all working for free (although Endri does get a payment of $50 per week for expenses) the only real fuel is the positive energy from so many, so again thank you for your support it is very empowering for both myself & my friend Endri and is keeping this whole start up project moving foward. :)
Please keep in touch with me on face book, kind regards Peter Honey

Who is Endri? Endri is a young Indonesian man who we will be entrusting to get more than 100% of our donations to 'his peoples' sick children. He is a rare find, a trustworthy man from humble fishing village beginnings & who like us will work for free. He is degree trained, technology understanding, worked overseas, he is the 'elections oversea' & a leader who seeks a better world for his poor people.
My Goal: is to help spark & teach Endri to grow his own sustainable Foundation so he can help poor & sick families' get medical help & food. website is the start & there are many of us excited to help Endri and his 'forgotten children's' foundation that helps his countries poor & sick. Peter Honey
My Goal: is to help spark & teach Endri to grow his own sustainable Foundation so he can help poor & sick families' get medical help & food. website is the start & there are many of us excited to help Endri and his 'forgotten children's' foundation that helps his countries poor & sick. Peter Honey
We are only months old & pioneering one of Lombok's most urgent humanitarian causes:
It all started with one little girl called 'Pira who needed legs' and it is now spiralling into a huge 'Forgotten Children' issue.
We are only at the very early stages & sadly starting to uncover what looks like children in the hundreds. Many are in great pain, hungry, without mothers or fathers and have never seen doctors. The numbers are huge & are too big & too expensive a problem to pass onto the Indonesia foundations that offer help, also the Lombok hospitals presently can't help (Yet) or are not skilled to help. The situation is so big that 'Indonesia helping Indonesia' is the only sustainable solution and it is extremely urgent that we support Endri to document all the children so as to provide the information to correctly present to central & local governments, in a positive way that encourages them to support the children without shaming them.
1a. The Children Urgently need food - a monthly food, pain medicine and clothes drop off: The Children are all starving and many in pain - while finding solutions for each child an immediate solution is a food and support run and also our documentation. In doing this the huge struggle in working to feed a sick child is reduced and the children's nutrition is raised. It is a easy do now activity and importantly helps the children supporters battle the despair they are in, and gives them hope (but not too much)
1b. Locating & Documenting the Children: The numbers of children are simply too big for any instant miracle answer, and to get some significant help for these kids it is important that the documentation is put together quickly so that it can be presented to local & central government. The children's access to hospitals is often due to no birth certificates, or marriage certificates, some of our remote village cases the victims don't even speak Indonesian.
Donate: $1 per day here.
2. The Thirty Forgotten Blind Orphans: more information The children here are happy but hungry and only get 17 cents per day for 3 meals. We seek to get an extra $100 to $150 per month for food for the orphanage and there is a FLC Child Guardian's group forming raising donations & upgrading facilities. Donate here:
3. Attracting Endri is not arranging operations for these Children: We seek to organise second tier of coordinators whose goal is connecting as many sick children to hospitals & specialist foundations & surgeons. This is a huge job in itself and the logistics in simply moving some of these cases from village to hospitals is extremely difficult. The documentation will help this group.
When the documentation is finished I welcome anyone to contact me who may like to help connect a child to a specialist or fund doctor support.
It all started with one little girl called 'Pira who needed legs' and it is now spiralling into a huge 'Forgotten Children' issue.
We are only at the very early stages & sadly starting to uncover what looks like children in the hundreds. Many are in great pain, hungry, without mothers or fathers and have never seen doctors. The numbers are huge & are too big & too expensive a problem to pass onto the Indonesia foundations that offer help, also the Lombok hospitals presently can't help (Yet) or are not skilled to help. The situation is so big that 'Indonesia helping Indonesia' is the only sustainable solution and it is extremely urgent that we support Endri to document all the children so as to provide the information to correctly present to central & local governments, in a positive way that encourages them to support the children without shaming them.
1a. The Children Urgently need food - a monthly food, pain medicine and clothes drop off: The Children are all starving and many in pain - while finding solutions for each child an immediate solution is a food and support run and also our documentation. In doing this the huge struggle in working to feed a sick child is reduced and the children's nutrition is raised. It is a easy do now activity and importantly helps the children supporters battle the despair they are in, and gives them hope (but not too much)
1b. Locating & Documenting the Children: The numbers of children are simply too big for any instant miracle answer, and to get some significant help for these kids it is important that the documentation is put together quickly so that it can be presented to local & central government. The children's access to hospitals is often due to no birth certificates, or marriage certificates, some of our remote village cases the victims don't even speak Indonesian.
Donate: $1 per day here.
2. The Thirty Forgotten Blind Orphans: more information The children here are happy but hungry and only get 17 cents per day for 3 meals. We seek to get an extra $100 to $150 per month for food for the orphanage and there is a FLC Child Guardian's group forming raising donations & upgrading facilities. Donate here:
3. Attracting Endri is not arranging operations for these Children: We seek to organise second tier of coordinators whose goal is connecting as many sick children to hospitals & specialist foundations & surgeons. This is a huge job in itself and the logistics in simply moving some of these cases from village to hospitals is extremely difficult. The documentation will help this group.
When the documentation is finished I welcome anyone to contact me who may like to help connect a child to a specialist or fund doctor support.
Arif has not yet seen a doctor YET! Project Done √
Today Wed 13th Aug, Arif came to us on Face book for help.
This must be so painful - Lets Get Arif to Hospital fast, it has been a whole week and we need to raise money to get him to hospital, surgeons, flights etc etc Thank you so much Peter Honey |
WANTED: Lombok Forgotten Child Guardian's.
Our Goal is to do a 1 year trial connecting 100% of 'food funders donations to desperately sick poor Lombok children on a monthly basis.
$1 per day sponsors: We have 100 children & 30 blind orphan's - we need 50 x $1 per day sponsors.
$1 per day will provide a monthly food and support packages to 50 hungry children on a 1 year trial bases. As soon as we can we plan to match each child to a donor and use a face book feedback system with photos as a way to show you how important your funding is and how grateful the families are.
$50 Sponsor for Endri: Importantly we will soon seek $50 per week corporate sponsor to cover Endri's expences, can leave his job as elections oversea & focus 100% on ensuring hundreds of Lombok kids don't die hungry or in pain.
Operations & Doctors: Lastly one by one we will get these children to doctors & medical help, if you would like to help a particular child please contact me.
Please call me direct regarding anything - my Indonesian mobile number is +62 811 3906969
Please note: This is a very exciting but also sad project that is only weeks old & is at it's pioneering stage. The website is under construction & our very important Organisational Base & Volunteer resort on Gili Trawangan is still a little away from opening. Peter Honey, NPO
Our Goal is to do a 1 year trial connecting 100% of 'food funders donations to desperately sick poor Lombok children on a monthly basis.
$1 per day sponsors: We have 100 children & 30 blind orphan's - we need 50 x $1 per day sponsors.
$1 per day will provide a monthly food and support packages to 50 hungry children on a 1 year trial bases. As soon as we can we plan to match each child to a donor and use a face book feedback system with photos as a way to show you how important your funding is and how grateful the families are.
$50 Sponsor for Endri: Importantly we will soon seek $50 per week corporate sponsor to cover Endri's expences, can leave his job as elections oversea & focus 100% on ensuring hundreds of Lombok kids don't die hungry or in pain.
Operations & Doctors: Lastly one by one we will get these children to doctors & medical help, if you would like to help a particular child please contact me.
Please call me direct regarding anything - my Indonesian mobile number is +62 811 3906969
Please note: This is a very exciting but also sad project that is only weeks old & is at it's pioneering stage. The website is under construction & our very important Organisational Base & Volunteer resort on Gili Trawangan is still a little away from opening. Peter Honey, NPO
"I know of no other humanitarian project that is so worthy and returns such a high 'bang for your charitable dollar' as to helping Endi help his people and to to seed the start of a very important foundation" Martin Honey
EXTREMELY URGENT - I am sorry to have to show you Tina's condition:
EXTREMELY URGENT - I am sorry to have to show you Tina's condition:
The Story: Tina we recently discovered a day or two ago in a very poor & remote island village, things are getting desperate for her. The pain now is to unbearable for her, and her family are distraught. A growth is pushing Tina's eye out of it's socket & the pain and growth in her eyes is too much to bear and she has been banging her head on the wall and doing doing all sorts of sad things to commit suicide. (see the scares from cuts on her face) We have got some food a few gifts and some supply assistance reaching her now and will soon hopefully get her to a charity organisation in Bali who can help.
ABOVE: Habibi's mum cry's, all my friends won't help and don't want to know me anymore. Sasha is desperate and waiting for us to connect her with a specialist - she is hungry and smiles when receiving a gift - she is in a very desperate situation & cannot walk. Audi's mum borrowed clothes when she heard there was a possibility of help - they are hungry & very poor. Eight year old Ryan's father soldiers on to look after his son - they are poor and struggle.
ABOVE: Diki has been in pain for 4yrs & needs a operation to a poisoned leg. Suli's is hungry & hides from the world. Beautiful Hunsul is a intelligent village favourite who is blind but may only need a $440 operation. Mansur is handicapped and hungry
ABOVE: Muhruf has a horrible flesh eating disease that eats large holes in his body making him to weak to walk - he dreams to go to school. Syfia is a very smart active girl that at 4 yrs sings beautiful, her mum has been deserted by her husband & slaves to provide food. Asmari's parents are distraught for the condition of their daughter.
ABOVE: Siti is often hungry & works hard alone in her garden to get food. Fitri is also hungry and handicapped waiting by the road for her parents to come home from work. An Rizka's wife has left him - he struggles alone with his weak & sick daughter.
ABOVE: SPONSOR 2 CHILDREN FOR THE PRICE OF ONE: Child# 28. Mirnawati & Child# 29. Mursyidin Brother sister & also Child# 23 Firton 10 yrs & Child# 24. Nurdiana - Cancer
How Endri doubles your donation - Endri Gets It!: Donor's are hard to find special & generous people. Most of us are not rich, but have a strong sense of responsibility to help sick & desperate people.
Un - like other Indonesian non-profit projects, Endri demands that his people work with him as un paid volunteers and he is also well connected to business people who also want to assist. Some donate the use of their vehicles once a month while other food businesses will double the value of our 'Donor's food & assistance packages. Local Government also have assist funding to help Endri.
Trust & Feedback: Possibly the most important attribute Endri has is he understands the importance in earning TRUST from donors. To do this we will help Endri in creating 'real time feed back' with Donors using Face book as a platform to connect information, photo's and importantly the chance for families to thank donors directly and show their progress.
Giving Hope & belief, a powerful medicine: Your donation is one great thing. But possibly what is even more powerful and stronger medicine for these families in despair, is a new connection to hope & belief. Your connection provided by Endri also gives him strength & energy to help - this gives him belief & the ability to deliver hope and solve problems in an amazing way.
Un - like other Indonesian non-profit projects, Endri demands that his people work with him as un paid volunteers and he is also well connected to business people who also want to assist. Some donate the use of their vehicles once a month while other food businesses will double the value of our 'Donor's food & assistance packages. Local Government also have assist funding to help Endri.
Trust & Feedback: Possibly the most important attribute Endri has is he understands the importance in earning TRUST from donors. To do this we will help Endri in creating 'real time feed back' with Donors using Face book as a platform to connect information, photo's and importantly the chance for families to thank donors directly and show their progress.
Giving Hope & belief, a powerful medicine: Your donation is one great thing. But possibly what is even more powerful and stronger medicine for these families in despair, is a new connection to hope & belief. Your connection provided by Endri also gives him strength & energy to help - this gives him belief & the ability to deliver hope and solve problems in an amazing way.
Example 1: Sometimes preying is not enough and God likes us to be doing also. At 2 yrs once healthy Pira was in a bus that rolled killing one child tearing off Pira's legs. For 9 years her father dreamed of help for Pira who was the brightest in her school & dreamed to be a doctor. I met Pira at Sumbawa & promised to help - in 4 days I made a video, website, and with friends (mark Baldwin, Michael John, Stacee Harris) who set up a go fund me account and emailed some quality Indonesian foundations. We quickly connected with and amazing man, Mr John Fawcett and he agreed to drive the project but needed some funding help which the team set about doing. When Pira had to leave her village for her operations the whole town went to see her off at the car ferry. From this some big tourism introductions have been created and the town is making new plans with humble & realistic dreams.
Example 1: Sometimes preying is not enough and God likes us to be doing also. At 2 yrs once healthy Pira was in a bus that rolled killing one child tearing off Pira's legs. For 9 years her father dreamed of help for Pira who was the brightest in her school & dreamed to be a doctor. I met Pira at Sumbawa & promised to help - in 4 days I made a video, website, and with friends (mark Baldwin, Michael John, Stacee Harris) who set up a go fund me account and emailed some quality Indonesian foundations. We quickly connected with and amazing man, Mr John Fawcett and he agreed to drive the project but needed some funding help which the team set about doing. When Pira had to leave her village for her operations the whole town went to see her off at the car ferry. From this some big tourism introductions have been created and the town is making new plans with humble & realistic dreams.
Lombok - Endri's Region:
PETER HONEY FOUNDATION: Indo: +62 811 3906969 [email protected] NZ +64 21998198 Stacee +64 210362094 |
Endri Susanto - Lombok |